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Writer's pictureHayley Walsh

Interview With Author Elora Canne

Today, I bring you an interview with Fellow Sydney based author Elora Canne. Elora likes to explore relationships in her writing. Let's find out more.


Tell me about yourself.


In my former life I was a Childcare Educator of 20+ years. I now consider myself a writer of life, both real and imagined.


What do you like to read?

Predominantly nonfiction. Whether it’s memoir, biography, self-help, travel or sport, I will always have a nonfiction book on the go. More recently, however, I have found much enjoyment in light fantasy and time travel books.


Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?

Like it was yesterday! My first book was a children’s story that swoops our unlikely hero off into the Milky Way on a shooting star. It is called, Swooping Through the Milky Way and written under Cal Grant-Smith. It’s based off an actual shooting star witnessed with my eldest son on a camping holiday.


What do you enjoy about writing your chosen genre?

Relationships are a passion project of mine. I love to delve into the intricacies of what makes a relationship work better and what boundaries or restrictions might help or hurt a relationship. Not only romantic relationships, but the dynamics of parenting, siblings, friends and acquaintances as well.


‘En Route – The Best Is Yet to Be’ explores our relationships as we move through life. What inspired you to write this book?

En Route’ was borne from a travelling gap year my husband and I did. We travelled the world and discovered nuances about each other that we would never have discovered sitting on the couch at home. I had created a blog purely to keep our friends and family informed of our whereabouts all in one place. As our travels morphed into relationship changes, I realised there was a story in there for other couples and families who would be able to relate to our changing circumstances.


What is the best feedback you have ever been given about your writing?

The first person to lay eyes on my manuscript was my editor. I felt exposed and vulnerable handing it over and her feedback was both soothing and encouraging: ‘You are a gifted writer and I encourage you to keep writing.’


Do you believe in writer’s block?

Unpopular Opinion: I believe ‘writer’s block’ is a form of procrastination or overwhelm.


Are you working on anything new?

I have two complete manuscripts, both fiction this time round. One is a midlife romcom novella, ‘Love & Laughter (And other disasters)’ and the other is a teen YA/NA exploring young love and boundaries, ‘Forest of Sun and Shadows.’ L&L is out with early readers, whilst FOSAS is being updated with beta reader feedback.


What does literary success look like to you?

I have three criteria which I aspire to as literary success:

·        Being traditionally published

·        Earning a substantial living from my written work

·        Having my work endorsed by a celebrity or well-known author


What advice would you give someone thinking about writing their first book?

Write everything that comes to mind, and do not be afraid to put ‘your voice’ out there.

A big thank you to Elora for sharing with us on the blog. 'Love and Laughter -And Other Disasters' sound like its right up my alley. I will be keeping an eye out for that one. If you would like to check out Elora's work, click on the links below.


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